A chinese commercial ship wrecked at the offshore sea of Shizuoka in 1826. The rescuees presented kinkan fruits preserved in sugar to rescuers. The seeds was raised to plants and they spread throughout Japan.
Chisa is covered with frost. Frost is the solid deposition of water vapor from saturated air. It is formed when solid sufaces are cooled to below the dew point of the adjacent air. (from Wikipedia, English)
Ume, sazanka, suisen and robai are collectively reffered to "sechu no shiyu." Sazanka opened it's flowere already about a month ago. Now today robai flower can be seen.
Nabana was grown commercially for the first time at Kuwana, Mie in 1930's. It is rich in vitamin c more than twice spinach. It is good for "aemono" or "itamemono."
Vishit Suntry Museum and Shorenin, Kyoto. Appriciate folk potteries of Kawai Kanjiro at it's permanent collection exhibition room and paintings of Piccaso and Monet at special exhition room. Enjoy the autumn color garden of Shorenin and tea ceremony.
Mayple leaves put on autumn colors. Some say the fall foliage of this year is good because of fewer arrival of tyhoon. Now we are in the height of the foliage season.
Chingensai is the closest vegitables of Chinese vegitables. It is alkaline and has a high mineral content. It is effective to prevent life-style related diseases.