Saturday, December 31, 2011


I read Hiroshi Homura 'Tankano Yujin' (Kawadeshoboshinsha.)
We can see there are various types of tanka.
The hiiragi nanten is green.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Hassaku & Daidai

I read Naoko Yamazaki 'Yumewotsunagu' (Kadokawashoten.)
Her dream of being an astronaut came true. That turns her thought to the idea that family is ahead of career aspirations.
The hassaku and the daidai are harvested.

Thursday, December 29, 2011


I read Seinosuke Takahashi 'Kamisamano Nyobo' (Diamondsha.)
Konosuke Matsushita prospered in business thanks to his wife Mume.
The senryo flower is arranged for a new year.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I read Shion Miura 'Ayatsurare Bunraku kansho' (Poplor.)
We can see the fluidity and the immutability of human mind in Bunraku.
Shion Miura says it's the key that she got hooked on bunraku.
I wander off in the hassaku-jungle.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I read Noriko Otsuka 'Takajono Wazato Kokoro' (Hakusuisha.)
She is qulified as a flconer of Suwa style.
She tells the spirit and technique of falconry.
Four typical flowers in the snow, 'Secchunoshiyu' are ume, roubai, sazanka and suisen.
The ume is still in the stage of bud. Others have it flowers now.

Monday, December 26, 2011


I read Takaaki Yoshimoto 'Shokuwokataru' (Asahishinbunsha,)
It is based on talking between Takaki and Satoru Udagawa.
The food is important. We can't live without it. The food culture must be the most important culture. He says it.
The kabu has a presence.

Sunday, December 25, 2011


I read Takuya Kimura 'Kaihoku' (Shueisha.)
He says that it is the happiest moment to tell others something with actualizing my talents.
The daikon is dried for tubozuke pickle.

Saturday, December 24, 2011


I read Mark Twain 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn' (Penguin Classics.)
Kenzaburo Oe said that he was very impressed by Finn when he was young.
Finn chooses human conscience and friendship if it goes against law.
The suisen in the mountain side is elegant.

Friday, December 23, 2011


I read Soko Tanaka 'EURO' (Iwanamishoten.)
EURO is now at difficult time. He says that going through difficult times makes it stronger.
The kinkan will be cooked to kinkan jam

Thursday, December 22, 2011


I read Akira Katsumi 'Curation no Chikara' (Ushioshuppansha.)
Enterprises are starting to utilize digital curation to improve quality of information and data within their operational and strategic processed. (from Wikipedia)
The kurogame has its berries.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


I read Yasushi Watanabe 'Bunka to Gaiko' (Chukoshinsho.)
I learned what public diplomacy is.
White nanten scarce.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I read Reiichiro Fukami 'Ningennosongento 800 meter' (Tokyosogensha.)
You can study quantum mechanics by this book.
The Wabisuke tubaki lives a long time.

Monday, December 19, 2011


I read Fabio Geda 'Uminiwa Wanigiruka' (Hayakawashobo.)
It's the story of the Afghan boy who left his beloved country when he is ten years old. After 7 years his departure of the country, he reached Italy via various countries in which he was slip into.
The hassaku will be harvested near at hand.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


I read Rumiko Seya 'Shokugyowa Busokajyo' (Asahishinbunshuppan.)
She was elected this year one of 25 new-age Japanese who is breaking cultural barriers through innovative ideas and power by Newsweek.
The mizuna is ready.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


I read Tomomi Ishikawa 'Akuto' (Asahishinbunshuppan.)
Ishikawa is an ex-secretary Ichiro Ozawa.
The takana has its own color.

Friday, December 16, 2011


I read Kaji Yoko 'Kakinoheta' (Shueisha.)
We can learn herbal remedy by this book.
The suisen blooms.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


I read Amamiya Karin 'Documenents Amemiya ★ Revokution' (Tsukurushuppan.)
She undertakes the problem of precariat.
Nanten has its red color.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I read Ayako Miura 'Shiokaratoge' (Shinchosha.)
Nobuo Nagano becomes a Christian and devotes his life for neighbors.
Hassaku will be harvested at the end of this year.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I read Takeru Kaido 'Team Bachistano Eiko' (Takarajimasha.)
Autopsy Image proved decisive.
Wabisuke tubaki is elegant.

Monday, December 12, 2011


I read Hitoshi Murayama 'Uchuwa Hontouni Hitotsunanoka' (Bluebooks.)
Only 4% of the universe is atoms. 23%of it is black substances and the rest 73% is black energy.
The ume has buds.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


I read Robert B. Perker 'Family Honor' (Penguin.)
Detective Sunny is proficient.
The Carrot is ready for being cooked.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


I read JohnBanyanby 'The Pilgram's Progress' (Holp Shuppan.)
Pilgrim's Progress is an allegory of the temptations and victories of man's soul.
Hiroshima is Japan's largest producer of wakegi.

Friday, December 9, 2011


I read David Wroblewski 'Edgar Sawtelle' (Translated by Mizuhito Kanehara / NHKshuppan.)
The story of Chuken hachiko appears in this book.
The endomame is growing.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


I read Thomas Gilovitch 'How we Isn't so: The fallibility of Human Reason in Everyday Life' (Translated by Kazuo Mori / Shinyosha.)
Are the adaptive spouses apt to have their child?
Does the success of first shot rise the possibility of the next in basket ball play?
You can find the answers in this book.
The Daidai is a lucky charm.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I read Yu Nagashima 'Ironnakimochiga Hontonokimochi' (Chikumashobo.)
It's the collection of his essay.
'Word Processor and Online Service' is one of them.
I felt nostalgic.
The akebonotsubaki is its best.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I read Nobuhiko Kobayshi 'Nagasareru' (Bungeishinjyu.)
It's the story of his mother's father.
The senryo is a lucky charm.

Monday, December 5, 2011


I read Mario Vargas Llosa 'Mitsurinnokataribe' (Translated Eiichiro Nishimura / Shinchosha.)
He describes the life of the village in Peru Amazon.
The sazanka is its best.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


I read Toh Enjyo 'This is a pen' (Shinchosha.)
What is a pen?
The nanten wears drain drops.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


I read Masahiro Abe 'Ibasho no Shakaigaku' (Nihonkeizaishinbunshuppansha.)
You do not always earn a place even if you stay together.
The broccoli is growing.

Friday, December 2, 2011


I read Yasuyuki Iida 'Modamasarenaitameno Kagakukogi' (Kobunshashinsho.)
Iida is the compiler of the book. The first chapter is 'Kagakuto Kagakudenaimono' by Makoto Kikuchi. The effect of minus ion is non-scientific. How comes the boom of it. The story is in this chapter.
The strawberry is planted.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Colored leaves on the hill behind my house

I read Genpei Akasegawa 'Meigadokuhon' (Kobunsha.)
See the paintings at quick pace and come to a halt in front of the preferred on.
Get carried away with an idea of self as the purchaser of your likes with some money.
I can see the beautiful colored leaves on the hill behind my house.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I read Kita Morio 'The House of Nire' (Translated by Dennis Keene, Kodansha International.)
Mori's grand father was a mental doctor who established and managed Aoyama Mental Hospital.
It is the story based on the family. Kita Morio passed away in October 24.
The sazanka looks good in front of the white wall.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I read Jonathan Safran Foer 'Extremely Loud & incredibly Close' (Translated by Takafumi Kondo;NHK shuppann.)
The bereaved family of the September 11 terrorist attacks is focused in the story. On the other hand, he described Dresden attack by U.S. in World War Ⅱ and atomic-bombed Hiroshima.
Kinkan is ripe.

Monday, November 28, 2011


I read Robert B. Parker 'Pale Kings and Princes' (Penguin Books.)
It is the first time for me to read one of Parker's Spencer series.
It is interesting and easy to read.
Hiroshima city can be seen from the Mt. Ege.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


I read Ikko Kitabayashi 'Phantom Peaks' (Kadokawa.)
It can be read at one sitting.
Sazanka beside front door blooms.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


I read Karel Capek 'Capek no Inu to Neko no Ohanashi' (Kawadeshoboshinsha.)
It is a collection of his essays about his dog and cat. He tells us confidence and love through the sory of relationship between them and himself.
The hakusai is growing.

Friday, November 25, 2011


I read Fumio Takano 'Jikanwa Daremo Mattekurenai' (Tokyosogensha.)
It is a collection of science fictions of East European authors.
This is the head of second child of cauliflower this year.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Momijidani in Miyajima

I read Natsuki Ikezawa 'Haruwo Urandarishinai' (Chuokoronshinsha.)
It's a collection of his seeays on Tohoku earthquake disaster.
Autumn color is no so great this year at Mojijidani in Myajima.(photoed on November 22)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I read Norio Murakami 'Murakamishiki Simple Eigobenkyohou' (Daiyamondosha.)
English extensive reading is the best way to progress in English.
Torii can be seen from the middle of Mt. Misen.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I read Norio Murakami 'Simple Shigotojyutsu' (Daimondsha.)
He shows the four basic acquaintances for surviving in these days of globalization.
They are Christian religion, Buddhism, western philosophy and American history.
His discussion of Buddhism is profound and easy to understand.
The momiji turns red.

Monday, November 21, 2011


I read Shoji Yamada 'Nihonno Chosakukenwa Nazekonnani Dibishinoka' (Jinbunshoin.)
He says that people involving the revision of copyright law are very limited persons and the debate is closed its doors to general public.
The yuzu is lit by the light of the setting sun.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


I read Shintaro Ishihara 'Shin Darakuron' (Shinchosha.)
Ishihara's views are as below.
We should dispel self-denigrating view based on 'Tokyo Trubunal.'
The 9th Article of the Constitution of Japan is totally impractical.
Nuclear armament of Japan is necessary for act of deterrent effect and the tool of political maneuvering for national position.
The broccoli's head can been seen.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


I read Naoko Kudo / Yoko Sano 'Aitakute' (Shinchobunko.)
This is a collection of poems. 'Nekoyo' is one of them. I like it.
The hassaku tree loaded with fruits.

Friday, November 18, 2011


I read Yasuo Hasebe 'Ho towa Nanika' (Kawadeshoboshinsho.)
Socrates raises the question of whether or not we have a sort of civic duty to break bad laws.'
Yasuo Hasebe says, "We have not."
The Daikon will become kakuteki-pickle.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


I read Hajime Shinohara 'Shiminno Seiijigaku' (Iwanamishinsho.)
The role of civil society is important for social change.
Tsuwabuki is well-colored.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I read Masahiko Ktsuya 'Diaspora' (Bungeishinjyu.)
Diaspora means 'the scattering of the Jews to countries outside of Palestine after the Babylonian captivity.' (
Japanese abandoned their land due to radiation contamination and scattered to various countries around the world. This is the story of the people who escaped to Tibet.
The yaburan produces berries.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I read Yasuyuki Todo 'Nihonkeizaino Sokojikara' (Chukoshinsho.)
For overcoming Japanese economic problems caused by earthquake and nuclear electric power plant accident, he claims the participation of Trans Pacific Paretnership (TPP) and the creation of special economic zone.
The Akebono-tsubaki blooms.

Monday, November 14, 2011


I read Yasushi Inoue 'Hyoheki' (Shinchusha.)
Daisuke Tokiwa , the boss of main character Kyota Uozu, is some fellow.
The endomame is growing.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


I read K. Le Cuin 'Cheek by Jowl' (Translated by Akemi Tanigaki. Kawadeshoboshinsha.)
The literature dealing animals is fantasy in some ways.
The cauliflower will be pickled in vinegar.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


I read Yasuo Motoki 'Kawachigenji' (Chukoshinsho.)
Kizoku and Bushi are not always conflicting existent groups.
The rose is now in the vase on my desk.