Mt. Iwaki requires hard rocky walking for us to reach the top. This is the long sought goal, The summit of Iwaki. Our conversation at Da Sasino, Italian restaurant moves naturally to the achievement of this climbing.
The Tamoyachi moor is at the top of Hakkouda mountain. Alpin flora can be seen along side of the wooden waling road. One our waking gives us the apreciation of the nature.
kaizuka as well as shinpaku is trimmed by hands without using clipper. It needs one man-power for a tree. The beauty of green is proportional to care-taking time.
Waremokou will bloom in autumn. Masato Sugimot sings a song, waremoko. There is Bokusui Wakayama' s poem, "Waremoko susukikaruyaka akikusano sabishikikiwami kiminiokuramu."
A boar or boars damaged kabocha and tomorokoshi field. A boar was found in the garden around 0 am. At least 3 matured kabocha and sevral tomorokoshi lost.
Mukuge is the national flower of South Korea. In North America they call it Rose of Sharon. Flowers come in a variety type, white, pink, red, lavendar or purple.
A matured okra fruits can be seen. It must be havested soon before it becomes fiblous and woody. There are many growing immature seed pods and flower buds.