Go to Kumano-kodo by train using Seishun-18 ticket leaving home station 5:17 and arriving Kitanabe at 16:18. Senrihama near Tanabe is the scenic spot. Kumano goers walk on the beach.
Tradition says "Akinasu wa yomenikuwasuna." There are two widely held explanations regarding that message. One is it is more than the doughter-in- law deserves, and the othere is the mother-in -low cares for her daughter-in-law not have her body cooled and bad influence to make pregnant by tempreature reduced akinasu.
It like the comb on the red colored top of cockerel's head. Keito is called cockscomb in English. So the names keito and cockscomb mean the same in both Japanese and English.
Kyuri was close to whither in the hot summer sun. And what is more bores damaged it's graound. Now thanks to heavy rain of few days ago it brought back to life.
Several years passed since this ichijiku tree was planted. It is the first time to bear fruits expected to harvest. It was good effect to inject detergent into warm-eaten wood.
Togarashi is standing with many berries in the long period of hot weather. It is given watering in the evening. Rain after the many heat wave days will like a benediction.
Today is a day to commemorate the dropping the atomic bomb at Hiroshima. Remember victims of the atomic bombs. We aim for a world free of nuclear wepons.
On July 30 , after waking around Hakkoda and Oirase, We had a plesure boat ride at Towada Lake. A bronze statue of Otomenoirnori by Kotaro Takamura could be seen at the edge of the lake. It may be the symbol of Towada lake.
It was lucky that we happened to visit Oirase-keiryu on July 30. Just on that day it recovered from being closed from traffic due to Tohoku earthquke on July 24. We could have comfortable walking from Kumoi to Towada lake for 2 hours.
We had the oportunity to watch Hirosaki nebuta parade on August 1. It was so nice that we are unconcious the passage of time. We could recover from that day's walking fatigue of Shirakami-sanchi.
Hiraizumii was passed over for World Heritage designation this year. We associate Hiraizumi with Chuson-ji. Konjikido where photograpy is prohibited apeals the startling shade of gold.
The 3-rd waterfall of anmon is scanic. The buna forest leads us to this waterfall from Shirakami green villeage. This is the area declared a World Heritage site.