FBI warns U.S. businesses of new Chinese cybercrime scheme Washington (CNN) April 29, 2011 FBI agents combating international cybercrime are currently batting hackers on two new fronts--from a remote corner of China to the virtual battlefields of "Call of Duty"emanating from the family playroom.
Japanese production suffers record fall By Michiyo Nakamoto, FT. com 28, 2011 (CNN) Japanese factory output suffered a record delcine in March at the devastating tsunami crippled supply chains across the world's third-largest economy.
武田徹『「核」論』was one of recommended books by 神里達博in「ニュースの本棚」of 朝日新聞、April 17. Iborrowed it from Hiroshima Prefectural Library. It gave me food for thought of core question of nuclear issue. It was a book as it was recommended.
Can technology fix the FAA's air traffic troubles? CNN April 26, 2011 New technology to modernize American's aging air traffic system promises to help air traffic controllers, and may have prevented a recent tarmac collision between two air craft at a New York airport, say expert. As part of its "NextGen" plan to overhaul traffic management, the FAA plans to replace its current radar tacking system by 2020 with a more accurate GPS-based network.
Witnesses: Libyan government forces shelling civilian areas of Misrata Tripoli, Libya (CNN)April 25, 2011 Libyan government forces directed their assault Monday on civilian areas of Misrata, resulting in a number of civilian casualties, witnesses said.
Norio Ohga, former Sony president and chairman, dies Tokyo (CNN) April 24, 2011 Norio Ohga, the former president and chairman of Sony Corporation who helped to develop the compact disc, died Saturday of multiple organ failure, the company said. he was 81.
Japan faces lengthy recovery from Fukushima accicdent Tokyo (CNN) April 22, 2011 the worst may have passed in the most serious nuclear accident since Chernobyl, but cleaning up when it's finally overt is likely to take decades and cost Japan an untold fortune.
Japan budgets nearly $49 billion for post-disaster reconstruction CNN April 22, 2011 Japan's cabinet on Friday approved a $49 billion budget to help in the reconstruction of areas decimated by last month's earthquake and tsunami.
Stricter enforcement of nuclear evacuation zone to begin Tokyo (CNN) April 21, 2011 Japan will on Friday begins enforcing an evacuation order on a 20-kilometer zone around the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, a top government official said.
Japan to enforce nuclear evacuation zone, official says Tokyo (CNN) April 20, 2011 Japan will begin enforcing an ofter-flouted evacuation order and keep people out of the 20-km zone around Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, a top official announced Wednesday.
U.S., Japan announce joint post-crisis rebuilding effort Tokyo (CNN) April 17, 2011 The U.S> secretary of state and the Japanese foreign minister on Sunday announced plans for a joint reconstruction venture as the Asian nation grapples with a nuclear crisis following a devastating earthquake and deadly tsunami.
Nine months to end Japan's nuclear crisis, plant owner estimates Tokyo (CNN)April 17, 2011 Engineers will need six to nine months to bring the damaged nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant to heel, the plant's owners said Sunday in their first public timetable for ending the crisis.
Nuclear crisis could last 2 to 3 more months, expert says Tokyo (CNN) April 16, 2011 Japan will likely need two to three more months to bring an end to the disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, a nuclear industry official said Saturday.
Nuke plant owner to pay $600million -- for now Tokyo (CNN) April 15, 2011 The owners of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi power plant must star paying up to 1million yen ($12,000) per household to residents displaced or forced indoors by the nuclear accident there, Japan's government ordered Friday.
Japan eyes possible damage to spent nuclear fuel Tokyo (CNN) April 14, 2011 Japanese regulators discounted concerns about damage to the still-potent spent fuel from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant's No.4 reactor Thursday, saying high radiation levels reported earlier this week "most probably" came from outside debris.
Japan nuclear disaster tops scale CNN April 12, 2011 Japan's rime minister vowed to wind down the month-long crisis at Fukushima Daiichi power plant "at all costs" Tuesday after his governnment officially designated the situation there a Chernobyl-level nuclear accident.
Q&A: Is Fukushima as bad as Chernobyl? CNN April 12, 2011 Japan raised the severity level of its nuclear crisis to the maximum level seven on Tuesday, putting the Fukushima Daiichi power plant disaster on a par with the Chernobyl accident in 1986.
Japan to evacuate more towns around crippled nuclear plant Tokyo (CNN) April 11, 2011 Japan's government called for evacuations Monday from several towns beyond the danger zone already declared around the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, warning that residents could receive high doses of radiation over the coming month.
Improvisation, frustration mark Japan's nuclear crisis at 4 weeks Tokyo (CNN) April, 10, 2011 Beneath the cherry blossoms of Shiba Park, more than 2,000 people lined up for a Sunday afternoon march calling for Japan's nuclear power stations to be shut down.
Video shows tsunami crashing into fukushima nuclear site Tokyo (CNN) April 9, 2011 Tokyo Electric Power, the plant's owner, told reporters the wall of water was likely 14 to 15 meters (45 to 48 feet) higher than normal sea levels -- easily overwhelming the plant's 5-meter sea wall
Japan lifts restriction on some farm products CNN April 8, 2011 Japan's government has lifted restrictions on vegetables and milk from some parts of the country's north after inspections found radiation levels below legal limits for three straight weeks, a top government official announced Friday
Japan eyes new radiation standards that could widen evacuation zone. Tokyo (CNN) April 7, 2011 Japan may set standards for long-term radiation exposure that would effectively extend the evacuation zone around the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, a top government official said Thursday, as a strong new aftershock rattled the area.
Seawater radiation levels drop off crippled nuclear plant Tokyo (CNN) April 6, 2011 Radioactive iodine in seawater around the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant dropped sharply even before workers plugged a water leak believed to be from its crippled No.2 reactor. the plant's owner said Wednesday night.
Japan official apologizes for dumping Tokyo (CNN) April 5, 2011 A top Japanese official apologized Tuesday for the dumping of 11,500 tons of redioactive water into the sea, acknowledging the ordeal's toll on fishermen but deeming it a necessary evil to avoid even more problems.
Japan dumps thousands of tons of radioactive water into sea Tokyo (CNN) April 4, 2011 Japan began dumping thousands of tons of radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean on Monday, an emergency move officials said was needed to curtail a worse leak from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
Japan tries to plug crack at nuclear plant Tokyo (CNN) April 3, 2011 Workers on Sunday tried to plug a crack at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility that's been a conduit for highly radioactive water leaking into the Pacific Ocean, officials said.
Workers struggle to pug leak at Japan nuclear plant Tokyo (CNN) April 2, 2011 At first attempt to plug a cracked concrete shaft that is leaking highly radioactive water into the ocean off Japan failed Saturday, so officials are now exploring alternatives, spokesmen for Tokyo Electric Power Co. said.
New auto sales in Japan plummet 37% after disaster Tokyo (CNN) April 11, 2011 Auto sales in Japan have hit the brakes sharply since last month's natural disaster and ensuing nuclear crisis, according to fresh figures released Friday.
Japan, France vow to push for stronger global nuclear safety standards. The leaders of France and Japan vowed Thursday to work to bolster international safety standards of nuclear power plants, making the subject a prime topic at a pair of upcoming international summits.