Thursday, June 23, 2011


I read Chomei Kamo ‘Hojyoki’ and Yoshie Hotta ‘Hojyoki Shiki.’ Hiroyuki Itsuki made brief comments on ‘Hojyoki’ in Asahi Shinbun. Itsuki says ‘hojyoki’ describes entirely visible disasters, but we are exposed to invisible catastrophe and this time’s great earthquake surpasses the dismal states of affairs depicted by ‘hojyoki.’ And he continues that the word ‘setsuna’, ‘to live for the moment ‘is used the same meaning ’to live without long-term ideas’, but the important thing for us now is ‘setsuna wo ikikiru kakugo’, the determination to survive for the moment. I was impressed his comment. The shishito has its flowers.